Sleeping Hermaphroditos / Hermaphrodite Endormi 3D

Reality Capture from 61 photos

3D掃描於羅浮宮 Sully wing 沉睡的Hermaphrodite(雌雄同體)
使用Sony α7 rII,一共拍攝61張照片3D重建;並以VRay Render。

他/她是愛馬仕 Hermes和阿芙羅狄 Aphrodite的兒子,我想他的名字應該就是來自這兩個神祇的字根。

The ambivalence and voluptuous curves of this figure of Hermaphroditos, who lies asleep on a mattress sculpted by Bernini, are still a source of fascination today. His body merged with that of the nymph Salmacis, whose advances he had rejected, Hermaphroditos, son of Hermes and Aphrodite, is represented as a bisexed figure. The original that inspired this figure would have dated from the 2nd century BC, reflecting the late Hellenistic taste for the theatrical.

相較於主角,我比較感興趣的是下面的床墊;因為這大理石雕刻的床墊是我喜愛的巨匠貝尼尼(Bernini)的傑作,受紅衣主教委託,跟這西元前的雕塑作品配合得天衣無縫,而且那床墊的皺摺真的是巧奪天工,貝尼尼沒有3D軟體,沒有marvelous designer,只有鑿子跟大理石;每一條皺摺、每一個釘扣都栩栩如生。

Discovered in Rome near the Baths of Diocletian in 1608, this statue was one of the most admired masterpieces of the Borghese Collection in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1619, Cardinal Scipione Borghese commissioned the Baroque Italian sculptor Bernini to carve the mattress on which the ancient marble now lies.

Sculpture,Statue,Male,Femal,Nude,Rome,Art,Louvre,Photoscan,Photogrammetry,3D Scan,Gladiator,Reality,Capture,StereoScan,Printable


  1. 最初的公元前3-2世纪古希腊原件是青铜器,有很多古代复制品,这是近代复制品


