Dying Gladiator - Musee du Louvre Reality Capture 3D

Dying Gladiator

Dying Gladiator _ Musee du Louvre ~ Pierre Julien ~ French ~ 1731-1804
Photogrammetry from 46 photos

垂死的格鬥士 以46張照片進行的3D掃描,並以3DS MAX及VRay重新彩現

Studio Lighting VRay Render

A mortally wounded gladiator, facing death with grace and dignity, is contemplating the laurel crown he was awarded for his courage. This was Pierre Julien’s second admission piece for the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture and a crucial work for him.

Reality Capture

Julien’s nude gladiator demonstrates his complete mastery of anatomy, and also drapery at the rear of the statue. But it was the sculptor’s personal contribution which imbues the work with its sensitivity: the elegant proportions, unctuous modelling and delicate execution (the finesse of the hands, laurel leaves and strands of hair), the marble’s perfect finish and the rendering of textures (the polish of the shield and sword suggest their metallic brilliance).

他重新詮釋了羅馬 卡比托里尼博物館 (Capitoline Museum ) 的同名作品,並重新安排了腳的姿勢。

3D Scan

Julien was exalting the heroism of a man overcoming his pain and stoically dying in silence. The balanced composition, dignified pose, discreet chest wound and restrained expression are formal echoes of this heroic serenity.



以ZBrush和Instant Meshes重新拓墣

這件雕塑因為是白色大理石,3d scan相當困難,我得到了人在巴黎的軟體工程師HoangHiepVu協助,才順利克服匹配點辨識上的困難。

photogrammetry got the help of a Parisian friend Hoang Hiep Vu

udn 的標籤: sculpture,statue,Male,Man,Muscle,Nude,Rome,Art,Louvre,Photoscan,Photogrammetry,3D Scan,Gladiator,Reality,Capture,StereoScan
