Mood Board-3D Rendering

這是一個為教學及自我訓練的作品,是一個結合材料及照明表現的數位材料板(Moodboard),靈感來自我非常仰慕的TOL'KO INTERIORS STUDIO。

Mood Board-Corona Render
3DS MAX、Corona render,表現巴塔哥尼亞大理石(Patagonia marble)、條紋玻璃、亞麻橡木、黑色火山岩以及黃銅-


用CG Render的材料版能夠突破比例採樣的限制,我能夠調整大理石紋比例,不會因為只有十公分見方的採樣而看不出花紋;也能對抗地心引力,讓物料浮在半空,就像魔法一般。

3DS MAX + Corona Render
Reflection channel

而我自己挑選的這個項目位於莫斯科,極為美麗,我一看到就馬上愛上他們,兩位極有才華的設計師 Gorokhov Denis 和 Nikolay Koloskov
以巴塔哥尼亞大理石 (這塊美麗的石頭可不好駕馭,而我相信它遇到TOL'KO就像卡卡拉大理石遇到米開朗基羅一樣)、條紋玻璃、亞麻橡木以及黃銅,組合出低飽和度卻有層次的搭配。

整個空間品味高明,設計師好像沒有很用力 (我看哈利波特所注意到的一件事,就是高明的魔法師使用魔杖手勢都很輕,學徒都握很緊 :)

This is a work for teaching purpose and self-training. It is a digital material board (Moodboard) that combines materials and lighting performance, inspired by TOL'KO INTERIORS STUDIO that I admire very much.

This project is located in Moscow. It is extremely beautiful. I fell in love with them as soon as I saw it. Two very talented designers, combined Patagonia marble (I believe it meets TOL 'KO is like carrara marble meets Michelangelo), striped glass, linen oak and brass, create a low-saturation but layered mix.

The whole space is very tasteful and poetic, and the proportion of each material is just right. The one as the main character will not show off, and those supporting roles will not be without weight, it is a masterpiece.

Architects : Gorokhov Denis & Nikolay Koloskov
